Migraine, ankle or knee pain, waist pain, foot pain, tennis elbow, sciatica, tinnitus or ear canal cleaning, no need to inject surgery or medication, 

Singapore reservation phone 83659644.

偏头痛、落抌、脚踝或膝关节疼、腰部酸痛、足底痛、网球肘、坐骨神经痛、耳鸣或耳道清洁,不用打针开刀或吃药,新加坡手机83659644 。

调理地奌:新加坡 盛港 Ranggung 兰岗

Peter Wu ,新加坡籍台湾人。 
Bella Health (新加坡注册Reg. No.53171063K)    

(新加坡认证 ITEC ACC.: QAN 100/2404/9) 
拥有六张中西骨科调理认证,8年来针对偏头痛、落抌、脚踝或膝关节疼、腰部酸痛、足底痛、网球肘、坐骨神经痛、耳鸣或耳道清洁,不用打针开刀或吃药 , 疼痛奌缓解,己经帮助过6000人次。 我们尽量不给客户花费太多,让大家都可以来调理身体,所以同事介绍同事,妈妈带儿子,有的介绍女兒,人就一直来了,彼得有8年的经验,已经帮助6000人次以上了。也欢迎你!

Peter Wu ,新加坡籍台湾人。 
Bella Health (新加坡注册Reg. No.53171063K)  

(新加坡认证 ITEC ACC.: QAN 100/2404/9) 
拥有六张中西骨科调理认证,8年来针对偏头痛、落抌、脚踝或膝关节疼、腰部酸痛、足底痛、网球肘、坐骨神经痛、耳鸣或耳道清洁,不用打针开刀或吃药 , 疼痛奌缓解,己经帮助过6000人次。 我们尽量不给客户花费太多,让大家都可以来调理身体,所以同事介绍同事,妈妈带儿子,有的介绍女兒,人就一直来了,彼得有13年的经验,已经帮助30000人次以上了。也欢迎你!

@ A 40-year-old male guest, when the blood pressure 172, he said a year ago after he had to do massage has been tinnitus so far, looking for a lot of doctors are unable to heal, see our FB, take the initiative to contact immediately Peter Wu,He adjusted for an hour, blood pressure dropped to 142, 
 and his spine position like 'twist', adjust it, and slowly give him a micro-treatment, his ears to improve the half of the!
@一位40多岁的男客戸,来时血压172,他说一年前他去做推拿后就一直耳鸣至今,找了很多医生都无法医治,看到我们的FB,主动联系马上来找Peter Wu,

@ A 40-year-old male guest, when the blood pressure 172, he said a year ago after he had to do massage has been tinnitus so far, looking for a lot of doctors are unable to heal, see our FB, take the initiative to contact immediately Peter Wu,He adjusted for an hour, blood pressure dropped to 142,
 and his spine position like 'twist', adjust it, and slowly give him a micro-treatment, his ears to improve the half of the!
@一位40多岁的男客戸,来时血压172,他说一年前他去做推拿后就一直耳鸣至今,找了很多医生都无法医治,看到我们的FB,主动联系马上来找Peter Wu,


有个客人手不能举到后里,很久了,Peter 幫他調理二次,他快去把親友都帶來,今早帶3个人來!Peter 都幫助他們緩解了,

有个客人手不能举到后里,很久了,Peter 幫他調理二次,他快去把親友都帶來,今早帶3个人來!Peter 都幫助他們緩解了,

专业调理脊椎关节复位Professional conditioning, spinal reduction


Soft tissue tingling pain


頚椎疼Cervical pain

肩周炎Scapulohumeral periarthritis

臀酸腿麻Anal anesthesia

坐骨神經疼Sciatic neuralgia

头晕眼胀Dizziness and swelling of the eye

耳呜偏头疼Tinnitus migraine                                  

闪到腰Flicker to the waist 

腰椎解圧復位Lumbar decompression reduction

膝关节酸疼The knee joint ache

行动受限Limited action

歪腳足跟疼Crooked foot hurts heels

跗骨復位Tarsal reduction



@一位女士,没有预约就找到我们家的工作室,原来她半年前打网球时受伤,慢慢的従手疼到腰丶下肢、到膝盖关节、甚至脚都不太能弯,这六个月来看遍的中医推拿、调理、花了很多钱不见好、又怕去找西医时医生叫她开刀,她说看到相伶老师在FB上的广告,她就快奌照像留下资料。Peter Wu第一次为她调理就找到她的病因,第一次她的膝盖就能弯到正常的位置!她好高兴!改善非常快!

 @一位40多岁的男客戸,来时血压172,他说一年前他去做推拿后就一直耳鸣至今,找了很多医生都无法医治,看到我们的FB,主动联系马上来找,Peter Wu 幇他调理一小时后,血压就降到142了,他的脊椎的位置像'麻花',調正它后,又慢慢给他用微处理,他的耳呜就改善一半了,继续预约四天后的疗程!

@Peter Wu回新加坡,给他做调理,第七个客户介绍了30个客户来,因为他的手臂常年疼痛无法举到后面,Peter 帮他调理二~三次手就康复了,他来二次就开始带人来!

@一个25歲的年輕人,在FB上看到Peter Wu 的廣告從文礼耒,他的脊髓損傷很利害,身高185公分高,因為3-4、7-8髓都不対位,人很瘦,腸胃吸收不到營養,看了很多中医和調理幾年了,都無法解決他的問題,Peter 很快找到他的病症,原來7年前他的背部被人打伤过,所以3、4椎弯到裡面去了,這需要花點時間調理,來一次他就知道找对医師了!調理完就改善一大半了!

@Peter 第一次到客户家看诊,有很多人的疼痛真的花尽了时间和金钱找不到合适的治疗方法,Peter Wu 马上就找到这女士的病灶,不用打针不用吃药,她十几年的问题就解决了,她说很感恩,再継续安排疗程做二次,這位女士可以自己開車來Peter 在家的工作室了!


调理地点:新加坡 盛港 Ranggung 兰岗


新加坡 盛港 Ranggung 兰岗


@预约請一定要用Whatsapp 。打Peter Wu 的手机83659644 麻烦你用whatsapp 跟他留言,

三个资料,請附上,谢谢!( 他無法接您的來电,是因他在專心工作中。請諒解!)

*1. 你的名字。

*2. 你的问题(例如手麻腳痛或腰肩疼)

* 3. 你想预约的日期和時間。




早上九点~下午六点半 (09:00-18:30)

(禮拜天 休息)

Conditioning time:
9 a.m. ~ 6:30 p.m. (Closed on Sundays)




1. 筋膜正骨分保健调理和治疗调理.
(1)保健型调理收费:針對青少年12-15岁脊柱侧弯、或成年人無酸疼动作,只為-般保健者。费用$100 (25分钟)

浅筋膜治疗:$150 (40分钟加2片貼膏)



配合事項如下:这里空间有限,如果是男姓 请一个人进来。如果是女性,除了自己进来,也可以有一人,陪你一起进工作室。


Treatment fees and treatment matters:

*In line with the government’s latest public health policies and measures:

1. Fascial natural chiropractic is divided into health care therapy and therapeutic treatment.
(1) Health-care therapy charges: For teenagers 12-15 years old with scoliosis, or adults with no sore movements, only for general health care users. Cost $100 (25 minutes)

(2) Therapeutic treatment charges:
Superficial fascial treatment: $150 (40 minutes plus 2 patches)
Deep multi-point treatment: $200 (55 minutes plus 7 patches)

*Therapeutic treatment is aimed at dizziness, tight neck, shoulder, neck or lumbosacral pain, sciatica, limb joint pain, and limited movement. As well as the treatment of varying degrees of fascia-adherent ligament injuries, soft tissue numbness and contracture imbalance. The treatment process requires the use of needles, lasers, ultrasound and related medical equipment for deep relaxation.

*PayNow or Cash payment is accepted.

The coordination matters are as follows: The space here is limited, if you have a male surname, please come in alone. If you are a woman, in addition to coming in by yourself, you can also have someone accompany you into the treatment studio.
*Please mute your cell phone. If you have a companion, please avoid video recording, walking around and making and receiving phone calls during the treatment process.
*Infants or young children are not allowed to be brought to the treatment studio to avoid danger and disputes.

*This is an ACRA-registered personal Myofascial natural Chiropractic treatment room. But currently [no receipts or invoices have been issued], and [it is not suitable to take photos or videos].





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